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Design Objection Replies


Design Objection Replies

Design Objection

During the Design Registration process in India, it’s common to face objections from the examiner. This happens when your design is reviewed to check its originality and compliance with the Designs Act. If the design is too similar to existing ones or doesn’t meet certain legal criteria, the examiner will raise objections. At this point, it’s important to respond effectively and quickly to keep the registration process on track.

With the help of Aksh IP Associates, handling these objections becomes a lot easier. We guide you through each step, ensuring your design gets the protection it deserves under intellectual property laws.

What is Design?

Before addressing design objections, it’s important to understand what a design is. As defined in Section 2(d) of the Designs Act 2001, a ‘design’ refers to the visual characteristics of shape, pattern, configuration, composition, or ornamentation applied to any two-dimensional or three-dimensional article, either through industrial or manual processes. This includes any combination of lines or colors that, when applied, are visually perceived in the final product. However, it does not cover the functional or mechanical aspects of construction.

Design Registration Process in India

In India, every design registration application undergoes a thorough examination to ensure it meets the necessary standards. If the application is free of objections, or any raised concerns are properly addressed, the design will be approved. Once approved, the applicant will receive a confirmation of approval, followed by the issuance of a design registration certificate, and the design details will be published in the Patent Office’s journal.

The registered design owner is granted intellectual property protection for a total of 15 years. Initially, the design is registered for ten years, with the option to apply for a renewal, extending the protection for an additional five years.

Design Objection

A design objection arises when the examining authority identifies issues or concerns during the review of a design application. These objections can pertain to various factors, such as the design’s originality, accuracy of the documentation, or its adherence to required standards and formats. The aim of raising objections is to ensure that the design complies with all the legal criteria necessary for registration and protection under intellectual property laws.

To resolve these objections, applicants are required to submit clarifications, make adjustments, or provide additional information as needed. Successfully addressing these concerns is essential for moving the design application forward and securing official registration and legal protection for the design.

Grounds for Design Application Objections

Design application objections raised by the examiner can stem from several factors, mainly to verify the design’s originality and compliance with procedural guidelines. Common grounds for objections include:

✔️ Lack of Novelty: The design may be considered not new or original if it closely resembles existing designs in the public domain, falling short of the uniqueness required for registration.

✔️ Improper Documentation: The submitted documents and representations might not comply with the Patent Office’s prescribed standards or formats, resulting in objections related to their adequacy.

✔️ Unclear Visuals: The attached images or sketches may be unclear, poorly presented, or fail to properly showcase the design, making it difficult for the examiner to evaluate its distinctiveness.

✔️ Non-Submission of Power of Attorney: If the application is filed by a representative on behalf of the designer, failure to provide a Power of Attorney can result in objections, as this document is necessary to authorize the representative to act on the applicant’s behalf.

Effectively addressing these objections is essential to move forward with the registration process and secure the design’s approval.

When to Reply to Design Objection?

The applicant has a six-month period from the date of receiving the objection notice to address and resolve the issues raised. This timeframe can be extended by an additional three months if a request is submitted along with the required fee before the initial six-month deadline.

Failure to respond within this period may lead to the abandonment of the design application.

How to File a Reply to Design Objection

✔️ Review the Objection Notice: Thoroughly read the objection notice issued by the Patent Office to fully understand the concerns raised.

✔️ Assess the Objections: Evaluate each objection listed in the notice, identifying specific points that need to be addressed in your response.

✔️ Gather Supporting Documents: Collect all relevant documents, evidence, and information that will support your replies to each objection.

✔️ Draft Your Response: Prepare a detailed and comprehensive response that addresses each objection individually. Clearly explain how you plan to rectify or counter each concern, providing necessary explanations and evidence.

✔️ Submit Your Reply: Ensure your response is submitted to the Patent Office within the timeframe specified in the objection notice.

At Aksh IP Associates, our experts specialize in helping you prepare effective replies to design objections, ensuring a smooth and successful process for your design registration.

Procedure Following the Submission of a Reply to a Design Objection

Once you have submitted your reply to a design objection, the procedure that follows consists of several key steps:

1. Review of Response
The Patent Office conducts a thorough review of the applicant’s response to the objection notice to evaluate whether the concerns raised have been adequately addressed.

2. Assessment of Response
Each objection is carefully assessed against the provided response to determine if the issues have been resolved satisfactorily. The clarity, completeness, and compliance of the response with regulatory standards are also scrutinized.

3. Registration and Publication
After all concerns outlined in the Examination Report are resolved, and if the Controller determines that the design is indeed new and/or original, they will authorize the registration and publication of the design details. This process includes showcasing the design through a representative image of the article. Upon acceptance, the Patent Office issues a registration certificate and publishes the registration in its journal.

4. Hearing and Public Inspection
If the objections are not resolved to satisfaction, the applicant is entitled to a personal hearing for further discussion regarding the application. Following the hearing, the Controller will make a decision on whether the application can proceed. Once registered, designs are made available for public inspection after they are published in the official gazette, accessible upon the submission of a formal request and payment of a specified fee.

5. Term of Protection
In India, design registration offers protection for a period of ten years from the registration date. This initial term can be extended for an additional five years, provided the applicant submits an extension application along with the necessary fee, ensuring continued protection under Indian intellectual property laws.

Aksh IP Associates: Expert Support for Design Objections

Navigating the design registration process can present various challenges that necessitate prompt and effective resolution. If you require expert assistance in addressing objections and navigating the design registration journey smoothly, Aksh IP Associates is here to help. Our skilled team specializes in handling the complexities of design objections, ensuring that your responses to examination reports are comprehensive and impactful. With our guidance, you can boost your chances of overcoming these challenges and successfully securing your design registration.

For tailored design registration services, contact our design experts today!


Design objection refers to concerns or issues raised during the review process of a design application, related to aspects like originality, documentation clarity, or compliance with standards.

The design registration process in India involves meticulous examination to meet standards. Approved designs receive confirmation, a registration certificate, and publication in the Patent Office’s journal.

Common objections include lack of novelty, improper documentation, unclear visuals, and non-submission of power of attorney.

Applicants have a six-month window from receiving the objection notice, extendable by three months upon request submission, to address concerns. Failure to do so may result in application abandonment.

Steps include reviewing the objection notice, assessing objections, gathering supporting documents, drafting a response, and timely submission to the Patent Office.

Steps include review and assessment of the response, registration and publication if objections are resolved, a hearing for unresolved objections, and extension of protection term upon acceptance.

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