

Our firm delivers complete Patent services that assist in creating and protecting the inventions that shape and impact our lives. Our attorneys are unrivaled in the depth of their experience and technical expertise required, providing strategic guidance and services that include patent drafting, counseling and prosecution, new product clearance and licensing, as well as counsel regarding patent enforcement and the avoidance of possible infringement scenarios.


Our unmatched technical background makes us particularly adept at drafting patent applications that accurately capture an invention’s new and novel character—thus firmly securing it against later claims. Working in close partnership, our patent attorneys and renowned litigators actively and aggressively represent plaintiffs and defendants in a wide variety of proceedings before courts both domestically and internationally, producing patent strategies that complement and further our client’s business interests.

Why Patents are needed?

Patents Promote Progress

The objective of the patent system is to disclose new technological advancements in the field of science and technology. Using the disclosure in Patents, others get motivated to make improvements. Subsequently, technology keeps on developing at a faster pace. Additionally, patents protect investments. For example, new drug development in the field of pharma or new technology in the field of electronics or any other domains often requires a huge investment. Hence, without patents, researchers would never be motivated to keep working to develop new products or compositions. They need some assurance that their highly invested and invented products/compositions are protected from others to be commercialized and, this is why the government offers patents to protect inventions.


How we shall proceed to file the patents Application:

1. Identify your invention.


What exists now is called the state of the art. An invention necessarily extends beyond the state of the art. That is the improvement. The more amount of novelty present in an invention, the better and quicker the chances are present to secure a grant on the patent.


2.Always remain involved with your attorney while drafting the Patent application:


Detailed disclosure is necessary. Disclosure should be to the extent that a person of ordinary skill in the art using the same can reproduce the invention without undue experimentation. Always disclose all aspects of the invention in the description and carefully review claims. The patent claims define what the invention covers.


3. Examination of the Patent Application:


In India, we can expect objections from the Examiner in almost 95% of filed patent applications. However, an experienced patent attorney can always find ways to address most of the raised objections and an easy solution to get the patent application approved.


4.Amend and/or respond to the objections raised by the patent examiner:


The goal is always to put the patent application in “order for a grant.” This may involve amending patent claims or contesting the objections by put forwarding strong arguments and even taking support of judicial precedents if needed.


5.Receive the letter of patent:


Patents may be granted after the successful addressal of the objections either in response to FER or after attending oral hearings. The original patent will be mailed to the Patent attorney of the Applicant. After the grant of the patent, the Applicant can mark their products and services with the patent number.


6.Pay maintenance fees.


While a patent is in the pending application stage, no renewal fees are due. After the grant of a patent application in India, the next step is to ensure that it is renewed regularly. The Applicant is obliged to pay a recurring renewal fee to the patent office of India to maintain the patent. The first patent renewal/maintenance fees need to be paid, once the patent is granted.

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