patent drafting

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Drafting a detailed patent application is an important and crucial point when one is initiating a filing procedure. The draft should be high quality, should contain all the technical features of the invention and should not be beyond the barrier of the invention. A patent draft includes the specification, detailed description of the invention, the claims that are to be reserved with the invention and other information that surrounds the patent. Form-2 (Complete Specifications) is the form that is filed along with the patent application containing the technical background of the invention, the claims and the abstract therein.

represents the invention in a full proof manner so as to avoid any third party to make some minor changes to the same and apply for a patent. To begin with a patent draft, it is necessary that the full specification of the invention is disclosed so as to assist our attorneys. There are two types of drafts:


Before the drafting of the patent takes place, to secure the integrity of the invention, we sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement to keep the interest of our client safe. We then proceed with a detailed discussion to make sure our attorneys and the client are on the same page about the invention. AKSH IP Associates has patent agents with experience in all types of fields, so as to grasp the newness of the invention easily. A detailed discussion is required so as to form strategies on how to proceed along with the application if any objections are to be overcome therein. Our expert attorney will then proceed with the drafting of the application. Usually drafting of application can take anywhere between 7-15 working days. If there are drawings involved in the invention, the same has to be studied by the attorneys to understand in deep the background of the inventions.
Patent drafting can be done by the inventor; however, it is crucial to mention the invention in every aspect and not just the working knowledge. It is recommended to hire a professional to draft a detailed high-quality draft. We, along with drafting of patent applications, also provide services like,

  •  Complete Specification Draft
  •  Provisional Specification Draft
  •  Applications filed through PCT
  •  Claims Drafting
  •  Preparation of Drawings
  •  National Phase Drafting

Drafting of a patent application has to be done in an effective manner so as to avoid any confusion. The information mentioned therein must focus on the invention and other factors surrounding the invention. With provisional drafting, the drafts are made in such a way to disclose the important features of the invention and not less. For complete drafting it is important to mentioned every step. The drafting should be done in such a way that it should point out the crucial information to the reader’s mind and should be point to point. Whether the invention is in the field of technical advancement, medicine, engineering, computer advancement and so on, the patent agent who is drafting should understand the information so as to avoid leaving out any crucial information in the draft.

When the application is filed in more than one country through PCT, it is vital to conduct a search and if any similar inventions are observed, then the nature of the drafting changes so as to gain maximum possibility for securing a patent grant. In first world countries where numerous inventions are filed on a daily basis, it becomes an important role of the patent agent to draft the application in certain way so as to avoid any kind of conflict with any other invention. We also have known associates overseas to assist us in drafting of the application according to the format prescribed by the governing Patent Office of that jurisdiction. Hence, it is crucially important to showcase the invention in the best possible way when the idea is to be penned down on paper, before submitting it to the Patent office.


A patent draft must cover all the aspects of the invention. At AKSH IP, with skilled and experienced patents attorneys, we make sure that the draft represents the invention in a full proof manner so as to avoid any third party to make some minor changes to the same and apply for a patent. To begin with a patent draft, it is necessary that the full specification of the invention is disclosed so as to assist our attorneys so a draft can be prepared covering the invention, guide you in every step of the patent procedure and form strategies to tackle any objections raised by the Patent office. Being a cost-effective law firm, we’ve got you covered on drafting forms of your invention to showcase your invention in best way possible.

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