Trademark Searches

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Trademark Searches

Prior to applying for any Trademark, it is vital to conduct a search whether the Trademark in question is a unique and distinctive Trademark. With many trademarks being used by brands in the market, there is a slight possibility that the trademark in question could resemble a prior mark. At Aksh IP, we conduct a thorough search on several databases to confirm whether or not the trademark is unique and possesses a distinctive character. Over the course of time, several trademarks have attained unique distinction due to there extensive usage and brand placement. Those trademarks have now become an important asset to those multi-million organizations. A singular logo, is representing a whole organization across the globe.

At AKSH IP, trademark searched are conducted on a thorough basis before we apply for trademarks for our clients. With various databases under our sight, we seek to provide the best advice to you and on how you can protect your trademark and form strategies to tackle the same.

As your Attorneys, we make sure to form strategies to tackle any foreseen objections that the Trademark Registry might raised while examining the mark.

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